National Nurse Week

There is a nurse that truly affected me. She made me feel comfortable and safe in moments of vulnerability. She was encouraging and kind. Two years later, I remember her name was Alex. I remember her face just like this...


With my first baby, I had a horrible labor and delivery. It was everything I was scared of and more. I felt uncared for and because of mistakes, I have injuries that I struggle with every day. 

In 2017, with my second baby, I had a much easier delievery. I went into the hospital with fear of the past. I ended up feeling like I was the only patient, when I knew that I wasn’t. I felt cared for and loved by people I didn’t even know. I remember crying and thanking Alex, my nurse, over and over again. I was so overwhelmed with emotions, but I knew for certain that I was so grateful for her patience and time; it was something I didn’t experience with the delivery of my first child. She had a huge impact on me...and she probably doesn’t even know it. 

I am thankful for every nurse, whether you’re a friend or someone who has personally cared for me. The selflessness and strength you have to care for others even when you’re having a rough day shows your heart. You are amazing! So Happy National Nurses Week! YOU deserve more than a few days, but I hope you felt valued. You deserve it. 

Oh, and Alex from Crestwood, if you see this.... Thank you for loving me, when you didn’t even know me. I think you’re amazing at your job. And I was blessed that you were my nurse. ❤️

PC 📸: @alexworlund

Melissa Adams